电子游戏试玩’s 化学与物理 Department offers in-depth, hands-on learning experiences in both fields. 学生不仅可以学习理论概念,还可以通过研究项目将其应用于实际场景. This comprehensive approach prepares students for a wide range of careers in science and beyond.


The Department of 化学与物理 provides comprehensive, student-centered 教育 leading to bachelor’s degrees in chemistry and physics. 学生通过严格的讲座和实验课程以及具有挑战性的独立研究经验获得知识和解决问题的能力. We are committed to preparing students to pursue careers as scientists, 工程师, 老师, 健康专家. 我们通过通识教育课程提高其他学科学生的科学素养. 学院通过自己的研究促进知识的发展,并为大学和科学界提供服务, 对公众也是一样. 


The Department of 化学与物理 offers four degree tracks in chemistry, including ACS-certified and pre-professional, 还有物理方面的四个方向, 包括化学和工程物理. 


Both the chemistry and physics 程序s emphasize hands-on re搜索 experiences for undergraduate students. 化学和物理电子游戏试玩的学生可以在教师的指导下参加一个研究项目,以获得选修学分. Students may work on a re搜索 project throughout the academic year, or participate in the 10-week Summer Undergraduate Re搜索 Experiences (SURE) Program.  参与研究经验, 比如SURE计划, is one way for students to utilize their Experience Grant through the 电子游戏试玩优势 程序. 


该系有活跃的美国化学学会和物理学生学会的学生分会. These student organizations provide a unique opportunity to connect, learn, and grow. 他们提供吸引人的活动, 外展和网络活动, 还有一个支持你的社区,帮助你为你的职业生涯做准备,充分利用你的大学经历.  Find more information 在我们的Sycamore Root网站上. 

The Department employs many students as assistants in the chemistry and physics 教学 labs, 讲座的房间, 和仓库, 并在科学帮助中心担任导师.  Students working in these roles gain valuable hands-on experience in their field, enhancing their practical skills and understanding of complex concepts. 另外, these roles help students develop strong communication and leadership abilities, which are essential for future academic and professional success.  Find detailed descriptions of available positions, 连同申请表格, 在我们的Sycamore Root网站上. 

星期一至星期五,科学帮助中心提供化学和物理课程的免费上门辅导, located in room 115 of the 科学大楼.  The tutors are experienced, knowledgeable students who are ready and eager to help!  Find the weekly tutoring hours 在我们的Sycamore Root网站上. 

该系每年向化学或物理电子游戏试玩的在校生颁发大约12个奖学金, 基于学业成绩.  在我们的Sycamore Root网站上查找有关如何申请的信息-以及有关每个奖学金的详细信息和过去接受者的列表. 

The Department hosts a vibrant seminar series each semester, featuring talks by academic and industrial scientists, 部门的校友, and opportunities for students interested in graduate school to meet with the academic speakers. These seminars provide students with exposure to real-world applications of chemistry and physics. It’s a great way for students to broaden their knowledge and network within their field of study.  Find the current schedule of speakers 在我们的Sycamore Root网站上.


我的课由热情的老师带领,他们在课堂上与学生密切合作,并利用实验室时间,通过使用先进的技术和仪器来研究现实世界的应用,为我们作为独立化学家的工作做好准备. 不仅仅是课程作业, 当我作为研究生项目的一部分进入一个高度电子游戏试玩化的研究小组工作时,教职员工给我灌输了一种适应能力,使我能够在毕业后迅速学习和调整.

The 研究的机会 and instrumentation experience, 以及我在ISU培养的批判性思维和解决问题的能力,使我在其他求职者和同事中脱颖而出.  我从FAAS中获得的经验, 高效液相色谱法, 而GC让我胜任了前两份工作, allowing me to gain more experience to qualify for more advanced positions.  我的本科研究让我在一个更加自主的环境中脱颖而出,为我在工作场所的独立项目做好了准备.  在研讨会上展示我的研究使我发展了我的技术写作技巧,使我成为一个自信的公众演讲者.  其他的机会, such as being a Laboratory Teaching Assistant, gave me the tools needed to explain complex topics to my interns.  My professors genuinely cared whether I succeeded in my career after graduation.

我在ISU最重要的实践经验是接触到计算工具及其在化学中的应用.  计算的基础对我有很大的帮助,是我在研究生院取得进步的一步. 在SURE项目中的研究经历是我最有帮助的经历之一,因为它让我对研究生院的研究环境有了一个了解. 在SURE期间,甚至在常规学期,我从导师那里得到的巨大帮助,对我今天解决研究问题的方式产生了重大影响. 

The faculty members in ISU’s Chemistry department are present. Their office doors were always open and inviting to students. 他们在奉献自己的时间和智慧. 我花了无数个小时和老师讨论化学,这帮助我更好地理解和记住课堂材料. I also got hands-on help from my faculty re搜索 advisor inside the lab, 是他教会了我许多合成有机化学技术,这些技术至今仍在我目前在礼来公司的职位上使用.  Many of the activities and organizations that I got involved in as an undergraduate, 比如研究, 教学, 美国化学学会, 以及Timmy Global Health, were led and encouraged by Chemistry faculty.

I would not be a chemist today if it was not for my experience in the Chemistry department at ISU. The incredible professors that I worked with during the SURE 程序, 我的高级研究项目, 高级化学课程培养了我对该领域工作所需的科学方法和技术的热爱. I learned how to carry out experimental methods, 操作先进仪器, 并帮助撰写研究论文, which are all skills that I have used professionally since graduating.

通过动手使用现代化学仪器获得的技术和分析技能帮助我理解了在课堂上学到的理论. 作为临床科学家, 我之前在ISU和研究生院的实验室工作帮助我培养了批判性思维技能,这在药物开发中很重要.

After I graduated and started working as an Analytical Chemist, my greatest benefit was the experience that I gained during the 确定项目. The greatest skill that the SURE 程序 teaches is how to adapt and solve real-world problems. 协助教师进行研究并看到整个研究过程是本科生体验在STEM领域工作意味着什么的最佳机会. Those experiences confirmed that a career in STEM was the right choice for me.

The 程序 was well-structured and offered various resources, 包括动手使用仪器, 研究的机会, 与教授积极互动. The summer re搜索 程序 (SURE) became a turning point in my career development. 在老师的大力支持和指导下,我的科学知识得以增长,并应用于研究, which ultimately gave me the confidence to conduct an independent project. These valuable experiences led me to pursue a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry and ultimately find employment in the pharmaceutical industry.

ISU的化学课程对我现在在一家制药公司担任临床科学家起到了至关重要的作用. It was there that I found my love of science and learned how to think critically as a scientist. The faculty were extremely encouraging and exposed me to the health sciences. 我很感激你的指导, 教育, and friendships I developed in my time as an undergrad.

During my time at ISU, I spent two summers in the SURE 程序 conducting chemistry re搜索.  I received one-on-one help from my faculty mentor inside the lab, 是他教会了我许多合成有机化学技术,这些技术至今仍在我目前在礼来公司的职位上使用.  有开放访问核磁共振仪器的独特机会使我获得了分析和故障排除技能,这对我目前的职位很有价值. In addition to the skills I gained in the laboratory, 参加这个项目也让我在向观众介绍化学和阅读科学文献方面变得更加自如.

本科暑期研究经历(SURE)对我来说是革命性的,让我走上了成为一名科学家的道路. I greatly enjoyed diving deep on a specific scientific concept, 围绕提出科学问题和可测试假设的一对一讨论,激发了我对科学的好奇心,这种好奇心至今仍很强烈. 


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